TYPE: Public Board Meeting
DATE: 4/16/2024       TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: School Board Administration Office
DETAILS: School Board Administration Office
School Board Administration Office
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Call to Order Info
2.0 Acknowledgement of the Indigenous Community
2.1 Acknowledgement of Local Indigenous Community Info
3.0 Singing of 'O Canada'
4.0 Adoption of Agenda
4.1 Adoption of the Agenda Action
5.0 Approval of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Public Board Meeting held March 12, 2024 Action
6.0 Consent Items Action
6.1 Approval of Consent Items Action
A) Information
B) For Approval
6.2 Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held January 16, 2024
6.3 Minutes of the Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting held January 16, 2024
6.4 General Record of the Closed Board Meeting held March 12, 2024
6.5 General Record of the Special Extraordinary Closed Board Meeting held April 2, 2024
7.0 Delegations/Presentations/Acknowledgements
7.1 Observances & Holidays Acknowledgement Info
7.2 School Presentations - Bradner Elementary and Abbotsford Senior Secondary Info
7.3 2024 BCSS Boys & Girls Wrestling Provincial Champions - W.J. Mouat Secondary School Info
7.4 Youth Champion of Diversity Award Recipient - Ishi Sharma Info
8.0 Report on Achievement/Results
A) Education
8.1 Strategic Plan Consultation and Preliminary Budget for 2024-2025
8.2 School Fees and Deposits for 2024-2025
8.3 Academy Fees for 2024-2025
8.4 Abbotsford School District Child Development Fair
B) Question Period-max 10 min (Questions relating to agenda items may be asked)
C) Operations
8.5 Barrowtown and Sema:th Elementary Schools - Middle/Secondary Catchment Review
8.6 Synthetic Field Operating Agreement and Licence
8.7 Long Range Facilities Plan
8.8 Third Quarter Financial Update
8.9 Student Transportation Fees
8.10 Abbotsford Arts Centre - Rental Fees
8.11 Board Policy 18 - School Catchment Areas
9.0 Committee Reports
A) Audit Committee
B) Education Committee
C) Finance & Facilities Committee
10.0 Reports by Representatives on External Organizations
11.0 New Business
12.0 Trustee Announcements
12.1 National School Boards Association Info
13.0 Question Period
A) Question Period-max 10 min (Questions relating to agenda items may be asked)
14.0 Adjournment
14.1 Adjournment Info
School Board Administration Office